How to Come Back to Conflict Conversations: Part 2

Family sitting on the grass

In conflict situations, my natural tendency is to avoid the conflict. For me, this would mean avoiding all conversation and interaction with the other party. If I did need to see them, I might  act as though the conflict never happened. If you watched me in these situations, you might say, “Wow! She’s a natural.” […]

How to Come Back to Conflict Conversations: Part 1

When I was in grade four, I was in the same class as my best friend. We at lunch together, played soccer together, and we liked the same things; clothes, music, movies. We spent most of our time at school as a duo.  One day, about halfway through the school year, we began to fight. […]

Making Self-care Routine This Year

School is starting!

A new school year is just around the corner, which has us talking a lot about new routines and new schedules. These new patterns can make us feel anxious or overwhelmed, which can feed into interpersonal conflict. One thing we’re making time for this year as a preventative measure is self-care. In the book, Heart […]

This Sentence Will Help You Start Tough Conversations

My first year as a facilitator with The Ripple Effect Education has been a wonderful experience. This year I have not only learned from the lessons and students I have taught, but I have been able to better understand what peace and conflict actually means and how I can apply it in my own life.  […]

Five Children’s Books That Inspire Peace

We all have a favourite book from childhood. Mine was the Chronicle of Narnia series. My father would read me a chapter before bed every night, and we would curl up on the couch together until I couldn’t fight my eyelids from closing. Children’s books have a particular way of bringing us back into a […]

Three Tips for Teaching Conflict Resolution to Kids

They say if you give someone a fish you will feed them for a day, but if you teach them to fish they will feed themselves their whole life. Today I want to talk about teaching our youth easy and practical conflict resolution strategies that they can use their whole lives too. We both play […]