Peace Activities for the Teenage Years

Welcome to the final instalment of our July Peace Activities series features three peace activities for teens. Featuring some of our favourite TREE activities, this guide is designed for older children or teens, age 13+ to try at home. Of course, you know your family best, so feel free to adapt these activities to their […]
Peace Activities For The Middle Years

Welcome to Part 2 of our July Blog Series! This month we are exploring different peace-based activities that you can do from home, adapted from some of our favourite TREE activities. These three activities are designed for children in middle elementary school, ages 10-12. Of course, you know your child best! Feel free to adapt […]
Peace Activities For The Early Years

This summer is probably looking a bit different than expected, with camps, trips, and adventures being put on hold while we continue to navigate social distancing the best we can. Children can keep on learning through play and dialogue, even with these new safety measures Each TREE Classroom program includes take-home activities for families, designed […]