Three Mindfulness Practices for Stronger Relationships

It’s the little things. Your child gets you out of bed thirty minutes before your alarm goes off. The car won’t start. You forgot about an important deadline at work. You don’t have time to make dinner, and your kids won’t eat it when you do. Suddenly, someone says one more thing out of line […]
How Restorative Justice Changed My Parenting and Teaching

As a parent and an educator when dealing with a child who has done something wrong, my first response was to consider the rule that was broken and how to prevent that behaviour from occurring again. Many times, whatever the child was doing would stop, for a while. However, I became increasingly frustrated with the […]
Two Practical Ways to Build Emotional Intelligence

When someone asks you how you’re doing, do you ever respond with an automatic “good” or “fine” out of habit? It’s something most of us do from time to time. We often don’t think about how we are feeling and how it impacts the way we interact with others. The truth is, however, the way […]
Be the Drop

Recently, I was facilitating a conflict resolution training with high school leadership students, where we talked about strategies for listening, responding when we’ve hurt someone, and managing conflict in difficult situations. At the end of the workshop, a few students came up to me and shared, “I can’t believe I’ve never learned this before! Our […]