The Constant Companion: How Our Inner Voice Shapes Communication

Assume you’re talking with a friend. As they speak, your mind is racing with ideas and reactions. This is your inner voice, the constant dialogue that shapes how you receive information, formulate answers, and ultimately interact with the world around you. Far from being a passive observer, your inner voice serves as a powerful filter, […]

Navigating Conflict: Essential Skills for De-Escalation

Conflict is a natural part of life. Whether it’s a disagreement with a friend, a debate at work, or a clash of ideas, conflicts are inevitable. But here’s the good news: you can de-escalate conflicts effectively, turning them into opportunities for growth and understanding. Let’s dive into some essential skills for de-escalation, including staying calm, […]

Ways to Implement Self-Care in Young Children

In today’s fast-paced world, instilling the value of self-care in children is more important than ever. Self-care means taking care of the whole self. It is the foundation on which we build our care and love for the world (We R Native, 2021). The Medicine Wheel is an ancient symbol used by some of the […]

From Screen Time to Green Time: Promoting Outdoor Learning Experiences for Children

This is the digital age, and kids spend more time than ever before glued to screens, like computers, phones, and tablets. Technology does have some useful educational resources, but kids who spend too much time in front of screens can hurt their physical, emotional and mental health, and overall development. Because of this, there is […]

Fostering Peace Skills in Youth Through Representation

In today’s diverse and media-heavy world, the power of representation is greater than ever, particularly for youth. Representation extends beyond visibility and helps teach youth valuable life skills. Media representation refers to how the media portrays groups or individuals with different characteristics. It refers to how some aspects such as gender, age, ethnicity, physical ability, […]

Using the Enneagram as a Tool for Empathy

I’ve never had much interest in personality tests, until I was introduced to the Enneagram of Personality by a close friend (and former TREE facilitator!) around five years ago. Since then, it’s something that I reflect on often as a way to have a deeper understanding of myself and to have a stronger understanding of […]

Why We Should Actively Listen to Others

Actively listening to others is an essential skill that can benefit both the listener and the speaker. Active listening involves not only hearing what someone is saying but also paying attention to their body language, tone of voice, and overall message. Let’s explore some reasons why active listening is so important.  Firstly, active listening builds […]

Three Approaches for Helping Children with their Emotions

Learning different ways to help children understand and deal with their emotions is very important. It is crucial to help children manage their emotions, as they are a regular aspect of the human experience, and learning to understand and regulate them is critical for their overall well-being. It sets the foundation for lifelong emotional well-being. […]

Mindful Eating

Mindfulness is a large part of our TREE curriculum, where students are encouraged to practice various mindfulness techniques to manage their emotions.  In my experience, the toughest part about introducing the concept of mindfulness is the idea that it requires a lot of time or perfect stillness to reap the benefits. On the contrary, mindfulness […]

Connecting with Nature Mindfully

I took up gardening a couple of years ago in an attempt to eat healthier and circumvent the rising cost of fresh produce at the grocery store. What I gained through that experience has been a reconnection, not only with the natural environment, but with myself. The routine of watering, weeding, and harvesting the vegetables […]