Fostering Connections: The Role of Empathy in Our Lives

We live in a society where we’re constantly encouraged to be positive, find the silver lining, and “stay strong.” But what if that advice isn’t always what people need? What if, instead of trying to fix things, we simply need to be present with others in their pain? That’s where empathy steps in, making a […]

Shifting From Performative Allyship to Being an Accomplice

In conversations about social justice, we often hear about allyship. But when allyship stays at surface-level gestures without turning into real action, its impact falls short. Understanding the difference between performative allyship and being a genuine accomplice is key. It’s about knowing how to move beyond words and gestures and into meaningful deeds. To truly […]

Fostering Peace Skills in Youth Through Representation

In today’s diverse and media-heavy world, the power of representation is greater than ever, particularly for youth. Representation extends beyond visibility and helps teach youth valuable life skills. Media representation refers to how the media portrays groups or individuals with different characteristics. It refers to how some aspects such as gender, age, ethnicity, physical ability, […]