Eco-Friendly Living: Tips and Tricks for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint at Home

These days, environmental issues are a big part of international discussion, so more and more people are looking for ways to live healthier lives and contribute less of a carbon footprint. One of the most important places to start making a difference is at home. Adding environmentally friendly habits into our daily lives can foster […]

Shifting From Performative Allyship to Being an Accomplice

In conversations about social justice, we often hear about allyship. But when allyship stays at surface-level gestures without turning into real action, its impact falls short. Understanding the difference between performative allyship and being a genuine accomplice is key. It’s about knowing how to move beyond words and gestures and into meaningful deeds. To truly […]

“Calling In” Versus “Calling Out”

Whether it be at a family gathering, in a classroom, or out in public, we are all likely to experience that moment when someone around us says something that is problematic and reinforces oppression. As a transgender person, I am constantly faced with the dilemma of how to respond when I am misgendered, or asked […]

Teaching Children the Importance of Getting Involved in Social Justice Issues

Growing up it has always been perceived that children are too young to learn about the harsh truths of the world and are kept in the dark from social justice issues. As a visibly Muslim woman, I have been exposed to learning about social justice and diversity at a young age. Although, living in Canada […]

Beyond Bake Sales: Youth activism is more than raising money

Two young people sit facing a woman who is standing in front of a whiteboard with a marker in hand.

I was leading a group of high school students in a community design simulation. Each student played a different role to represent different groups within a larger community. We had parents, youth, program specialists, local politicians, academics, and donors all advocating for their different needs and interests, which presented a problem requiring a complex solution. […]

How to Have a Courageous Conversation

On January 6 of this year, many were shaken by the violent attack on the Capitol in the United States attempting to halt the vote count from the recent presidential election. Global news and social media channels across the world depicted rioters storming the building; many of whom were touting symbols of White supremacy. Black […]