How Students Can Get Engaged with Online Learning

During the past two years, we have had to change our lifestyle to accommodate our health and those around us. We changed the way we socialized, the way we greet each other, our work environments, and most importantly the way we receive information. However, even though we shifted to virtual learning, the general teaching style […]
Embodied Care in the Classroom

At the beginning of the pandemic, I was a Masters student trapped inside my bedroom apartment separated by family and friends, while also living as an artist facing cancelled job contracts. As a response, I and a group of artists in Hamilton and Toronto formed a small art collective in an attempt to band together […]
Managing Polarized Positions with Children and Youth

Have you ever been in conflict with someone where it seems like there is no solution because your views on a topic are so opposite? Have you ever felt like you couldn’t even enter into conversation about a topic because you felt you had no common ground? In these situations, it is easy to give […]
Transforming Classrooms: The Impact of Peace Education

“Make sure you have strategies to maintain authority in the classroom.”“You can’t let your students walk all over you.”“You’re their teacher, not their friend.” As a Teachers College student, these are phrases I’ve heard from various educators. I’ve received several assignments focusing on how to establish classroom expectations on the first day of school. I […]
A Powerful Tool to Stay Grounded in Conflict

Early on in my role as a TREE facilitator, I was feeling preoccupied trying to juggle our lesson while keeping my attention on our time limit. I was inattentive to a student’s (let’s call him Phil) contribution to our discussion, which they had voiced in the chat window. I was engaged in mindlessness. Mindlessness is living […]